Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 599

Emergency Release Response and Contingency Plan, Rev A
3.5 Preparedness
A chemical inventory and map showing storage locations will be prepared to identify all storage tanks
located at the Bull Hill Mine. The inventory will include the following information:
Locations of storage tanks
Type/make of the tank
Tank storage capacity
Product contained in the tank
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of tank contents
All above-ground storage tanks will be constructed with surrounding berms to provide adequate
secondary containment capacity. Inspections will be performed as part of the normal supervisor’s shift
reports. Such inspection will occur on at least a monthly basis to evaluate the integrity of tanks, piping
and containment berms for potential leaks.
Below-ground storage tanks will be constructed to resist corrosion and to limit the potential for accidental
spills. All below-ground tanks will be equipped with overfill/spill buckets on the fill line, annual leak testing
will be performed on all non-consumptive tanks, and volumes will be reconciled regularly in both
consumptive and non-consumptive tanks.
3.5.1 Fuel and Bulk Oil Storage Facilities
The Technical Services Manager will be responsible for the fuel and oil storage facilities. In addition, the
Technical Services Manager will assign personnel to inspect the fuel and oil storage facilities as part of
their normal duties of dispensing and tracking fuel consumption. Above-ground storage tanks will be
visually inspected for leaks, damage, or unusual conditions. The Technical Services Manager will keep
an inventory of inputs and outputs to each tank, and will reconcile the balance on a monthly basis to
detect any fuel or oil losses.
The HSSE Manager is responsible for organizing and training the ERT as first responders to fires,
explosions, accidents, and injuries. ERT personnel will be trained in first aid, fire rescue, evacuation, and
working in closed and/or oxygen deficient spaces. Fire rescue training will include annual training
sessions comprised of the following:
Activating the fire suppression system
Performing drills to put out fires
Responding to practice rescue scenarios
3.6 Response Procedure
In the event of a major fire or explosion, the following procedure should be followed:
Assess the location and severity of the situation. Do not take health or safety risks by entering unstable
or fire areas.
Extinguish the fire if it can be accomplished quickly and without being exposed to potential hazards;
otherwise, call on the ERT for assistance.
Activate the emergency warning system.
Restrict access to the area.
Notify the General Manager and ERT according to established protocols.
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