Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 606

Emergency Release Response and Contingency Plan, Rev A
Section 9.0 - Regulatory Reporting
Chapter 4 of the Wyoming Water Quality Rules and Regulations (WWQRR) regulates the containment,
cleanup and disposal of oil or hazardous substances released to waters of the State, or which threaten to
enter waters of the State.
Pursuant to Chapter 4 of the WWQRR, the following spills/releases are reportable to the WDEQ:
1. Releases of "oil" and "hazardous substances" which enter waters of the State.
2. Releases that are determined to be a threat to enter waters of the state and are: a) considered a
"hazardous substance", or b) any amount greater than either 10 barrels of any combination of crude
oil/petroleum condensate/produced water OR 25 gallons of refined crude oil products.
3. Suspected releases from above or underground storage tanks are regulated by Chapter 17,
4. Please note that non-reportable spill events are still required to be addressed immediately by
containing, removing, and disposing of the released product according to DEQ regulations.
These are the requirements for reportable spills:
1. Immediately take appropriate action to stop and contain the release.
2. Immediately notify the division of the type, quantity and location of the release, and of the response,
containment and cleanup actions which have been taken or are proposed to be taken. Call
307-777-7781 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During non-working hours, this number should ONLY
be used for spills and emergencies.
3. Immediately proceed to correct the cause of the release.
4. Within seven (7) days following a release, submit a complete written report to the division describing
the reportable release and steps taken to prevent a reoccurrence.
5. Specific questions related to reporting requirements can be answered by contacting the Wyoming
DEQ Emergency Response Coordinator at 307-777-5885.
6. There are also federal reporting requirements. Spills should be reported to:
National Response Center 1-800-424-8802 or the
U.S. EPA Region VIII (303) 293-1788
The reporting procedures will include the following:
Name, address, and telephone number of the manager/operator
Name, address, and telephone number of the facility
Date, time, type of incident, condition, or circumstance
Name and quantity of materials released
Human or animal injury or mortality
An assessment of the actual or potential hazard to human health and/or the environment outside of the
facility, and
Estimated quantity and proposed remediation of the recovered material from the occurrence
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