Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 590

Emergency Release Response and Contingency Plan, Rev A
Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge, Bull Hill Mine
Emergency Release Response
and Contingency Plan
Section 1.0 - Introduction
The Emergency Release Response and Contingency Plan (ERRCP) has been developed for the Rare
Element Resources (RER) Bear Lodge Project, Bull Hill Mine to provide employees and managers with
specific instructions that will allow them to respond quickly and efficiently to reasonably foreseeable
emergencies. This ERRCP was developed using recognized and accepted methods and practices, but
because it was prepared prior to opening the mine, the plan will need to be updated closer in time to mine
startup. The updated ERRCP will include specific responses, protocols, and management contact
information based on actual site conditions.
1.1 Authority and Management Responsibilities for Response
Table 1.1 identifies the parties that will be responsible for spill containment, control and notification should
any accidental releases occur during construction, operation and closure of the Bull Hill Mine. Rare
Element Resources (RER) will assemble a team of qualified and specialized staff to fill the key
management roles for the project. Certain members of the management team will have direct
responsibilities for responding to on-site emergencies. The responsibilities of key management personnel
are summarized for each position in this section. The discussion is meant to provide an overview of key
responsibilities and is not a complete list of responsibilities for each position.
1.1.1 General Manager
The General Manager is responsible for the disposition of materials and wastes that may be accidentally
released and the clean-up and proper disposal of spilled materials. This General Manager is also
responsible for the occupational health and safety programs including employee training and specialty
training of the Emergency Response Team. In addition, the General Manager is responsible for
communications with the public, including notification of incidents and disclosure of important information.
Table 1.1
Spill Notification Duties
Spill Observer
Immediately contact either the primary or secondary
contact listed below to report detail of the spill
Follow Spill Containment procedures outlined in the
Primary Contact
General Manager
Immediately contact the HSSE Manager or Technical
Services Manager
Assess the spill, assemble the emergency response team
and clean up spill
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