Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 591

Emergency Release Response and Contingency Plan, Rev A
Secondary Contacts
HSSE Manager
Technical Services Manager
Mine Superintendent
Process Superintendent
Shift Foreman
In communication with the primary contact these
personnel fulfill the duties above
Assess the spill, assemble the emergency response team
and clean up spill
Initiate emergency services if needed
Ensure that all personnel are safe
Emergency Response Team
General Manager
HSSE Manager
Process Superintendent
Shift Foreman
Provide equipment, manpower and resources to clean up
Regulatory Notification
General Manager
HSSE Manager
File spill report to appropriate regulatory agencies within
prescribed amount of time
To assist the General Manager, the Technical Services Manager and the Health, Safety, Social, and
Environmental Manager are responsible for monitoring accidental spills and releases that may occur at
facilities. These managers are also responsible for documenting and reporting accidental spills or
1.1.2 Technical Services Manager
The Technical Services Manager will be the second-in-command in responding to emergencies. As the
second-most senior executive at the mine site, the Technical Services Manager will work closely with the
General Manager and the HSSE Manager to coordinate efforts and limit hazards to employees, the
public, and the environment.
1.1.3 Health, Safety, Social, and Environmental Manager
The HSSE Manager will be an extremely valuable resource to the General Manager and the Technical
Services Manager in the event of an emergency. The HSSE Manager is responsible for the development
and implementation of the Emergency Response and Contingency Plan. This person will also assure that
the plan is periodically updated to address changes in site conditions or management, and improvements
in emergency response procedures and techniques. In addition, this individual will also be responsible for
the training of first responders in emergency procedures (what to do and how to do it) and will be
thoroughly familiar with all aspects of the emergency response program.
The HSSE Manager is responsible for the disposition of materials and wastes that may be accidentally
released and the cleanup and proper disposal of spilled materials. He is also responsible for the
occupational health and safety programs including employee training and specialty training of the
Emergency Response Team (ERT). The HSSE Manager is responsible for communications with the
public, including notification of incidents and disclosure of important factual information.
Specific responsibilities of the HSSE Manager include the following:
Prepare a list of emergency contacts
Maintain the inventory of emergency response equipment and supplies
Arrange for the replacement of used or obsolete emergency supplies and equipment
Organize and train the Emergency Response Team
Oversee first response programs
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