Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 604

Emergency Release Response and Contingency Plan, Rev A
Section 7.0 - Transport and Storage of Hazardous Materials
All chemicals, fuels, and other materials contaminated by hazardous substances will be transported to
their destination in designated shipping containers. Hazardous materials will be stored in facilities
designated for the storage of such materials.
All suppliers of hazardous materials will be required to have their own emergency response procedures in
place as part of their contractual agreements. Supply contractors will be required to provide the following
information corresponding to the regulatory requirements associated with the material they supply:
Environmental liability insurance.
Evidence of employee and driver training in safety and emergency response.
Appropriate plans for spill prevention, control, and clean-up for equipment and vehicles.
Sensitivity maps to identify environmentally sensitive areas or areas with potential social or public safety
issues along drive routes.
Contingency plans for responding to plausible emergencies, including response equipment and third
party contacts to respond to emergencies.
Prior to finalizing contracts with potential suppliers, supplier’s emergency response and contingency plans
will be reviewed in compliance with corporate, local, national, and international standards.
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