Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 597

Emergency Release Response and Contingency Plan, Rev A
3.3 Reporting Procedures
The HSSE Manager is responsible for maintaining records associated with spills, leaks, ruptures, or other
releases. Such records shall document:
Person or people involved
Date, time, and location of discharge
Description of the situation and site conditions
Identification and estimated volume of discharged solution
Actions used to control the extent and severity of the discharge
Final deposition of discharged solutions
Documentation of clean-up actions taken and final disposition of contaminated material
Description of any environmental effects from the discharge
All records of spills will be documented using the Spill Report Form (Table 3.1). Completed forms will be
submitted to the HSSE Manager for filing. Records will be periodically reviewed to verify that proper
corrective actions have been taken, including remediation of contaminated areas and replacement, repair,
or maintenance to storage systems. A more detailed description of the reporting requirements to the
Wyoming regulatory officials is outlined in Section 9.
3.4 Fires and Explosions
Bulk fire protection will be provided from the water distribution system. This system will be connected to a
hydrant distribution system for firefighting in the administration area. Firefighting equipment will be
maintained on site. In higher risk areas such as control rooms, mineral processing areas, and mobile
equipment, chemical fire extinguishers will be placed in convenient locations.
The incidence of fires or explosions is expected to be rare. However, smoke detection equipment should
be considered in higher risk facilities and areas heavily used by personnel such as common areas and
offices. Suitably trained employees will perform periodic inspections of higher risk areas and equipment
to limit the potential for fire hazards.
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