Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 601

Emergency Release Response and Contingency Plan, Rev A
Section 4.0 - Spill Prevention
Spill prevention requires careful work habits and job awareness. Proper employee training will ensure
that all work activities are in accordance with the engineering design and established health and safety
Regularly scheduled maintenance and monitoring will detect potential problems with the water
management system and help maintain normal operating conditions. All leaks, damages, or unusual
conditions will be immediately reported and repairs will be made promptly. Routine monitoring will enable
early detection of any accidental releases.
4.1 Tanks and Bins
Tanks and bins that contain chemicals or fuels located in the processing plant, fuel storage areas and
laboratories will be visually inspected on a regular basis. Any signs of wear or leaks will be immediately
reported to the Process Superintendent who will make sure that the necessary repairs are made in a
timely manner. In addition, tanks and bins will include secondary containment of sufficient volume to
contain 110 percent of the largest vessel. All tanks and bins will be located so that they are easily visible
to mobile equipment operators. During filling, best management practices will be mandatory to reduce
the occurrence of accidental spills. All employees who handle chemicals will be trained in the proper
usage and storage procedures prior to beginning employment. Good housekeeping procedures will be
mandatory for all employees who handle or use chemicals and fuels.
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