Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 603

Emergency Release Response and Contingency Plan, Rev A
Section 6.0 - Medical Emergencies
The ERT will respond to medical emergencies. The ERT will be trained as first responders to perform
emergency first aid treatments, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The ERT will also be
trained in transferring accident victims to Crook County Memorial Hospital, 713 Oak St., Sundance,
Wyoming; or depending on the circumstances, to the Campbell County Memorial Hospital, 501 S. Burma
Ave., Gillette, Wyoming (approximately 70 miles from the mine).
6.1 Medical Emergency Response Procedures
In the event of a medical emergency or fatality, the following procedures should be followed:
Assess the location and severity of the situation. Do not take health or safety risks by entering a
dangerous or unstable area
Address life-threatening issues such as lack of pulse, blocked air passages, or severe bleeding using
basic first aid techniques
Notify the HSSE Manager and the ERT according to established protocols
Assist in securing the situation and transporting the victim under the direction of the ERT
Medical emergency response procedures will be implemented immediately upon notice of an accident or
fatality. First responders will notify the dispatch operator who will immediately dispatch an emergency
response vehicle equipped with first aid equipment to the scene of the accident.
6.2 Medical Emergency Notification and Reporting
The HSSE Manager is responsible for maintaining the following records:
Person or people involved
Date, time, and location of accident
Description of the situation and site conditions
Measures taken to prevent its reoccurrence
Actions used to control the extent and severity of the problem
Final disposition of the patient
The HSSE Manager is responsible for data management, record keeping, and reporting to the
appropriate regulatory authorities and stakeholders.
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