Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 592

Emergency Release Response and Contingency Plan, Rev A
Inspect and maintain fire extinguishers
Maintain records on emergencies or fatalities
Maintain records on spills, leaks, or ruptures
Oversee spill clean-up and disposal programs
Report to regulatory agencies and stakeholders
The HSSE Manager will also interact with the public to:
Provide information on project hazards and emergency response programs
Brief the public and employee relatives on emergencies
Arrange for accommodations for members of the family in the event of extreme emergencies
1.2 Emergency Response Team
The HSSE Manager is responsible for recruiting and training the Emergency Response Team (ERT). The
ERT will be comprised of site employees specially trained to assist in the case of an emergency.
Specifically, the ERT personnel will be trained in appropriate procedures to:
Respond to emergencies involving fires or explosions
Respond to emergencies involving injuries or fatalities
Train on-site staff in safety and emergency response procedures
Control and mitigate spills or other accidental releases
The ERT will receive training in the use of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) in the event that
this level of protection is required to assist with an emergency.
1.3 Supervisor Responsibilities
On-site line supervisors will each be responsible for identifying potential safety issues and for
coordinating the response to emergencies in their work areas. They will be responsible for notifying the
appropriate personnel in the event of an emergency. Supervisors will help monitor for accidental spills
and releases that may occur in their respective facilities. Supervisors will also be responsible for
documenting and reporting accidental spills or releases in areas under their direct supervision.
1.4 Contact List
The HSSE Manager will prepare a list of contacts to be included in the ERRCP. Emergency contact
information will be contained in the front of the ERRCP so that contact information can be quickly found in
the case of an emergency. Emergency contact information and procedures will also be posted in
prominent places in the mine facility. The emergency contact information will include names and detailed
contact information for the following:
Key management personnel
ERT personnel
Medical professionals
Contractors or local residents with response equipment that may be needed to supplement the mine
fleet in the event of an emergency
Appropriate Wyoming regulatory authorities
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