Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 602

Emergency Release Response and Contingency Plan, Rev A
Section 5.0 - Spill Containment
The main focus of spill containment is to reduce potential risks to human health and the environment by
controlling spills in a timely manner. In the event of a spill, the ERT will be immediately dispatched to the
spill location.
The spill containment contingency plan will include the following steps and guidelines:
Approach with caution. The area should be evacuated and isolated except for the ERT.
Identify Hazards. Evaluate all available information and consult the recommended guide to reduce
immediate risks.
Situation Assessment. The following questions should be considered:
Is the emergency related to a fire, spill, or leak?
What are the weather conditions?
Who/what is at risk - people, property, or the environment?
What actions should be taken?
What resources (human and equipment) are required?
Spill Response. The following items should be considered:
Locate chemicals
Equipment deployment
Chemical removal
Temporary storage
Mechanical recovery for disposal or re-processing
All spills will be documented and include a description of the spill and the corrective action taken. A
follow-up report will also be generated to make recommendations on future preventative measures. The
lesson learned from the follow-up report will be integrated into operation and emergency response plans.
5.1 Fuel, Oil, and Gasoline Tanks
All fuel, oil, and gasoline tanks will have berms built around them that will contain 110 percent of the
largest tank to contain any accidental releases.
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