Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 596

Emergency Release Response and Contingency Plan, Rev A
Section 3.0 - Responding to Unplanned Spills and Releases
3.1 General Emergency Response Procedures
In the case of an emergency, several general emergency response procedures should be followed prior
to any other activities.
In the event that a leak, spill, rupture, or other accident associated with fuel, oil, or chemical storage
areas, the response should include the following general procedures:
Avoid danger to people (i.e., stop working, shut off power sources and any moving machinery and
equipment, extinguish smoking materials or other spark or flame-making devices, and alert others in the
area of danger).
Move people upwind of the emergency scene.
Identify the product that has been spilled, as well as immediate potential hazards (e.g., possible contact
of the spilled material with equipment, other chemicals, or waters of the State).
If it can be done in a safe manner, prevent the spill from entering waterways.
Assess spill volume and characteristics.
Notify dispatch with as much information as possible.
Arrange for a safe and timely cleanup of spilled material by contacting the HSSE Manager.
Depending upon the nature of the spilled material, the air quality in the area of the spill could be
unsuitable for breathing. Only trained personnel should enter areas that are not well ventilated. Trained
personnel should only enter these areas with appropriate respiratory protection and should always
employ the “buddy system” that will provide assistance in the case of an emergency.
3.2 Emergency Response Checklist
An emergency response checklist to be used by Rare Element Resources personnel will be developed for
the Bull Hill Mine based on guidelines developed by the United States Department of Labor, Mine Safety
and Health Administration (MSHA).
The emergency response checklist is organized according to the following categories:
Shutdown operation
Security and site monitoring
Command Center
Medical arrangements
Acquisition of equipment, materials, and services
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