Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 594

Emergency Release Response and Contingency Plan, Rev A
Section 2.0 - Communications
The internal communications system will be used to alert workers to danger, convey safety information,
and maintain site control. Radios or field telephones will be used when work teams are working away
from the main communications system. The internal system will consist of alarms or short signals that
can easily be conveyed by audible signals. Training on the internal communications system will be
provided to all employees as part of their employee orientation program.
2.1 Communications During an Emergency
During an emergency, the dispatch station will be contacted immediately. Information will be transmitted
from the dispatch station to the rest of the mine site. The dispatch station will be staffed by on-site
personnel and will be equipped to handle all radio and telecommunications in the case of an emergency.
The mine site will also be equipped with a satellite phone that is capable of direct international
communication at all times.
In the event of an emergency, there will be prompt notification of appropriate individuals. Such individuals
to be notified (as needed) will include:
General Manager
Other Line Supervisors
Technical Services Manager
RER Executive Management
HSSE Manager
State and Federal Governmental Agencies
External Affairs Manager
Community Leaders
Employee Family Members
Emergency Response Team
In the event that there is a need for the rapid notification of local communities, the first responder will
immediately contact the dispatcher. The dispatcher will immediately contact the management team. This
will trigger the appropriate emergency notification system that has been developed by the HSSE
Manager. An announcement will also be made over all radio channels stating which channel will be
designated as the channel for the emergency and that all non-emergency communications will be
discontinued. The notification process will be documented in writing to include information such as date,
time, location, nature of the event, and actions taken to address the situation.
2.2 Communications with the Public
The HSSE Manager, in coordination with the External Affairs Manager, will be responsible for all on-site
and local communications with the public. As required, meetings will be held to disseminate information
related to on-site emergencies. Local residents, community leaders, other stakeholders, and
non-governmental agencies will be contacted as appropriate and invited to attend these meetings. The
HSSE Manager will coordinate with the External Affairs Manager to brief him/her on the facts of the
incident and what pertinent information should be released to the public, government officials, and other
interested stakeholders. The External Affairs Manager will be responsible for informing the appropriate
parties at the national level.
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