Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 607

Emergency Release Response and Contingency Plan, Rev A
Section 10.0 - Additional Emergency Response Procedures
10.1 Hazard Recognition
Employees will undergo formal safety training and task training by experienced personnel. This training
will include techniques in hazard identification and recognition. The training will also identify potential
hazards associated with the mine and specific job tasks. Following training, employees will be
responsible for identifying potential hazards as part of their normal job requirements. Rapid recognition of
potentially hazardous situations can avert an emergency. Weekly safety meetings will be held among all
staff to discuss a broad range of health and safety topics, but will periodically address the following:
Specific tasks to be performed
Time constraints
Hazards that may be encountered, including their effects; how to recognize symptoms and other danger
Emergency procedures
10.2 Emergency Response Training
The Health and Safety Supervisor will coordinate emergency response training. The ERT will participate
in annual training at the mine site to ensure that all members are trained in equipment use and
emergency response methods. ERT members will be trained in the transportation of hazardous
materials, firefighting, spill control and mitigation, first aid, and personnel rescue techniques.
Onsite emergency personnel, who have roles in addition to their normal duties, will have a thorough
understanding of emergency response procedures. Training will be directly related to their specific
emergency response roles, and will include:
Emergency chain-of-command
Communication methods and signals
How to call for help
Emergency equipment and its use
Emergency evacuation while wearing protective equipment
Removing injured personnel from enclosed spaces
Offsite support and how to use it
Emergency personnel will receive training in first aid and CPR and will practice hands-on rescue
techniques on an annual basis at a minimum. Training will also include recognizing and treating chemical
and physical injuries and heat stress.
10.3 Employee and Contractor Training
The ERT, under the responsible charge of the HSSE Manager, will provide safety and emergency
response training to all staff. The training will identify general hazards associated with the mining industry
as well as hazards specific to the Bull Hill Mine. Training will review standard operating procedures, use
of protective equipment, signaling an emergency (the alarm to be used, how to summon help, what
information to give, and who to give it to), evacuation routes and refuges, reporting protocol when an
alarm sounds, and other general safety procedures. Emergency response training will also be provided
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