Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 614

Procedures in the Event of the Discovery of an Unanticipated Historic Property (no
human remains)
The procedures for handling potential discoveries (other than human remains) identified
during construction of the RER Bear Lodge project are as follows:
When a discovery is encountered, all construction activity in the immediate
vicinity will cease. As soon as possible, all other ground disturbing activity
within 30 meters (100 feet) of the discovery will also stop.
A discovery encountered by construction personnel will be reported immediately
to WCRM, who will also notify the FS archaeologist.
Traffic through the construction area where a discovery has been made must halt.
Only traffic necessary to remove vehicles and equipment within the area will be
allowed to continue with an archaeological monitor present.
WCRM archaeologists will verify the discovery. During verification and
evaluation of the discovery, the archaeologist will have the authority to probe and
shovel skim to the extent necessary to determine whether the remains qualify as a
discovery. If it is determined that the discovery is noncultural, the FS be notified
via phone communication and email, and the halted construction activity can
If the archaeologist determines that the find is cultural but does not qualify as a
discovery (i.e., is an isolated occurrence, less than 50 years old, or displaced
cultural remains that are obviously out of primary context), he/she will confer
with the FS archaeologist and the presence of the cultural materials will be
documented and plotted on project maps. The archaeologist will notify the
construction foreman and construction activity can resume. As above, no other
notifications will be made at that time.
In situations where the archaeologist determines that the find does qualify as a
discovery, they will confer with the FS archaeologist to assess the potential
significance of the resource. If the discovery appears to have been only partly
exposed by the construction activity, then no further work will be allowed in the
area until the discovery has been adequately investigated. If the archaeologist
determines that no further impact to the discovery will result from continued
construction and that the investigation of the discovery will not be impeded by
construction activity, then they will instruct the construction foreman to proceed
without additional delay.
The archaeologist will complete a discovery report that will document the
location of the resource, the date and circumstances of the discovery, a description
of the discovery, photographs taken, recommendations, and agencies and
company representatives notified. In the event that the discovery entails
construction impact to a previously known, cultural resource within the area of
direct effects, or a known or unknown cultural resource beyond the area of direct
effects, the initial report will identify whether the site is new or existing, the site
number, how the damage was discovered, the date and time of the damage, the
party responsible for the damage and his/her supervisor, witnesses to the damage,
a detailed description of the damage, agencies notified and actions taken. The
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