Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 613

Discovery Situations
On discovery of any artifact, sign, evidence, or related find that may indicate that a buried or
heretofore unidentified historic property
be present within the project area, all undertaking-
related activities, including vehicular traffic,
30 meters (100 feet) of the discovery shall
cease immediately. In addition, RER will notify WCRM who will in turn notify the FS-BRD.
Procedures in the Event of an Impact to a Known Site (no human remains)
Construction damage to eligible sites or previously ineligible sites (that during
impact yield distinct cultural material not previously identified) within the area of
direct effects (APE) that have not received mitigation treatment, or damage to any
sites beyond the APE will be assessed and documented by a qualified
archaeologist and reported to the FS archaeologist. A damage report will be
completed indicating the site number, how damage was discovered, the date and
time of the damage, the party responsible for the damage and his/her supervisor,
witnesses to the damage, a detailed description of the damage, agencies notified,
actions taken, photographs taken, and recommendations. This form will include a
narrative description of the condition of the site and any impacts that have
occurred. All impacts will be photographed, and at least one photograph will be
attached to the form. The report will state whether the resource can be avoided.
If the project cannot avoid the site, further evaluation will be initiated, as
warranted, to determine the significance of the site. Recommendations for
additional investigations will also be included in the report. Completed forms
will be routed to the FS archaeologist.
A Wyoming Cultural Properties Form will be completed for the site and
submitted with all final documentation regarding the site treatment.
The FS will complete consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer
(SHPO) after delivery of the site treatment proposal regarding the impacted
discovery. On SHPO’s agreement with the proposed site-specific treatment of the
discovery, implementation of the treatment will begin. Construction may proceed
after application of the proposed treatment.
If the FS and the SHPO concur that the discovery requires no further action, the
FS will either provide a written Notice to Proceed (NTP) or provide an authorized
signature on the initial discovery report. If the FS and the SHPO concur that
additional investigations are warranted, the FS will notify RER and WCRM and
propose a further course of action.
If the impacted site is eligible as a historic property and near an area identified by
a Native American Tribe as a TCP, the FS will consult with the Concurring Tribes
regarding the proposed treatment before consulting with the SHPO. The Tribe(s)
shall provide comments to FS. Any Tribe failing to comment within the review
period shall be considered to have concurred with the proposed treatment.
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