Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 617

(e.g., Brothwell 1963; Ubelaker 1989). Under all circumstances, the human
remains will be treated with consideration and respect.
11. Once documentation, excavation, and analysis have been completed, the
archaeological consulting firm will notify the FS who will in turn notify the
SHPO, and other land managing agency(ies), as appropriate.
12. The archaeological consulting firm will prepare a comprehensive Archaeological
Data Recovery/Burial Treatment Report. The report will include the following:
project overview, circumstances of each burial discovery, recovery procedures
and techniques, artifact analysis, faunal analysis, osteological analysis and
interpretation, and conclusions and interpretations. In addition to agency review,
the Native American group having cultural affinity will review the report or any
other interested Native American representative(s) within the same time period as
accorded any other reviewers.
13. The FS will determine if any further actions must be conducted by RER before
the resumption of construction activities. The decision of the FS will be provided
in written form. If any further actions are required, RER will execute them and
provide the FS and any other appropriate agency with a written notification
regarding the completion of the actions including their nature, scope and outcome.
When all actions have been completed to the satisfaction of the FS and/or any
other appropriate agency, an oral and written notice to proceed (NTP) with
construction activities will be issued.
Contacts in the Event of a Human Remains Discovery
Individuals who will be notified in the event of a Discovery are listed in the tables below.
Address/Phone Number
Thomas J. Lennon President/PI
P.O. Box 2326
Boulder, CO 80306
(303) 449-1151; cell (303) 475-4204;
(303) 530-7716 (fax)
Heidi Guy Hays
Cultural Resource
P.O. Box 2326
Boulder, CO 80306
(303) 449-1151;
cell (720) 397-2298
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