Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 616

The archaeologist and the FS archaeologist, if necessary, will verify whether the
remains are human in origin. If the remains are determined to be nonhuman and
not a cultural resource, the find does not qualify as a discovery and construction
can continue.
If the archaeologist and/or the FS archaeologist determine the remains to be
human, the FS will be notified immediately, and WCRM will complete a
discovery report. All forms will be submitted to FS and will serve as detailed
monitoring documents.
Notification and treatment will conform to appropriate federal statutes,
regulations and guidance, including the NAGPRA (25 United States Code (USC)
§ 3001-3013), will pertain to human remains discovered on federal lands. As
used below, the term “human remains” will apply to any remains satisfying the
definition in this federal act. This definition includes human remains as well as
associated funerary and sacred objects.
Notification Procedures: If the archaeologist finds that the remains are human,
they will notify the FS archaeologist. The FS will notify the county coroner or
sheriff, or the police chief and all interested tribes by telephone within 24 hours of
the discovery. It is the intention of RER and the FS to include cultural experts
from interested tribes along with an archaeologist or physical anthropologist on
the initial investigation of all unanticipated discoveries of human remains. Tribal
cultural experts must be available to accompany an archaeologist or physical
anthropologists within 48 hours of the initial telephone notice of the situation. If
the tribal cultural experts are not available in that time frame, either an
archaeologist or physical anthropologist working without the benefit of any
cultural expert will accomplish the initial investigation.
If it is determined by an archaeologist or physical anthropologist and the tribal
cultural experts that the human remains or funerary objects are of Native
American origin, the FS shall notify and consult with appropriate Native
American Tribes and the SHPO to determine treatment and disposition measures
in accordance with the NAGPRA (43 CFR 10).
American remains will be handled according to the procedures of the
FS or county officials.
After consultation, the FS will authorize a resolution to the situation, which shall
address resumption of construction. The FS and the Tribes will establish the
appropriate time frames for consultation and the conduct of Native American
Where appropriate, a Request for Authorization to Conduct Archaeological
Investigations on Wyoming State Lands or an Archaeological Resources
Protection Act (ARPA) permit for excavation of the remains will be obtained by
the archaeological consultant from the FS or the appropriate state agency.
10. Human remains and objects will be excavated and initial analysis will be
conducted by a consulting firm archaeologist qualified to examine human remains
and following standard human burial excavation procedures and documentation
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