Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 620

materials retrieved from the excavation should be sufficient to characterize the cultural
resources and place them in a research context. The location will be plotted on a USGS
map and the appropriate SHPO cultural resource forms will be completed.
Human remains constitute a separate discovery category and require a specific set of
notification, review, consultation, and investigative procedures. The range of human
remains situations that may be anticipated include primary and secondary inhumations.
The inhumations may be in obvious burial pits or in situations where pits are not
apparent; historic burials may be in coffins. Also, caches of burned or broken artifacts
may be associated with prehistoric funerary ritual and should be treated as potential
mortuary related remains until determined otherwise.
References Cited
Brothwell, D. R.
Digging Up Bones: The Excavation, Treatment and Study of Human Skeletal
. William Clowes and Sons, London.
Ubelaker, Douglas H.
Human Skeletal Remains: Excavation, Analysis, Interpretation
. Second Edition.
Taraxacum, Washington, D.C.
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