Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 43

RER intends to continue radiological monitoring during operation, closure, and post closure in
accordance with the Bear Lodge Project Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance
Plan (RER, 2011) previously submitted to the Forest Service. There may be modification to
some of the monitoring locations, analytical parameters, and frequency as mining progresses.
The continuation of radiological monitoring during operation, closure, and post closure is also a
WDEQ-LQD requirement for the mine permit application that is planned to be submitted in late
5.2.2 Design Features/Environmental Protection Measures
RER has not identified any additional design features/environmental protection measures to
reduce potential radiological impacts.
5.3.1 Baseline Water Quality Monitoring Program
RER initiated routine hydrology baseline studies at the Bull Hill Mine in 2010 to determine
surface water and groundwater characteristics – including identifying and describing springs
within the Project Area. These studies have been conducted in accordance with the Bear Lodge
Project Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Plan (RER, 2011) as submitted to
the Forest Service. RER intends to continue with the monitoring of groundwater and surface
water within the project area during operation, closure, and post closure. As stated in Section
5.2, there may be modification to some of the monitoring locations, analytical parameters, and
frequency as mining progresses. The continuation of water quality monitoring during operation,
closure, and post closure is also a WDEQ-LQD requirement for the mine permit application that
is planned to be submitted in mid-2014.
Data collected from initiation of the baseline monitoring in 2010 through December 2011 has
been described in the 2011 Hydrology Baseline Data Report (RER, 2012). Updates to the
baseline data through September 2012 are also included. Water quality monitoring will continue
throughout the Forest Service NEPA approval process. Table 5.3-1 provides a summary of the
water quality baseline sampling program.
Table 5.3-1
Summary of Water Quality Baseline Sampling Program
Sample Type
Sampling Method Frequency
Type of Analysis
Groundwater Monitoring Wells
See Table 1 in Appendix H
Surface Water Quality
Monitoring Stations
Monthly for 1 year
See Table 1 in Appendix H
Surface Water Gauging
Annual Continuous
Flow, Temperature
One Time
See Table 1 in Appendix H
One Time
U-nat, Th-nat, Ra-226 Surface Water Flow
Seven stream gauging stations (SGS-1 through SGS-7) were installed at locations in Beaver
Creek, Whitetail Creek, Whitelaw Creek, and Lytle Creek as shown on Map 5.3-1. A Level Troll
500 pressure transducer was installed at each station to continuously measure water level and
temperature in the stream. The dates of sampling visits to each surface water monitoring
location and identification of measurements taken (field parameters, gauging, and water quality
sample) during the sampling events from July 2011 through September 2012 are provided in
Table 2 (Appendix H).
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