Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 34

The showers and change room area will include lockers, change rooms, showers, and a lunch
room. It will be built on the second floor, estimated at 40 ft. x 40 ft., and will be located on the
south side of the main PUG building.
The laboratory area will host all equipment required to analyze samples from the mining and
processing as well as a sample storage area. The laboratory will be built on a single floor,
estimated at 20 ft. x 40 ft. (800 ft
), and located on the south side of the PUG building.
The interior of the process area will be built using multi-level steel platforms for operation and
maintenance needs. The plant ground floor is designed to segregate the containment areas.
Major equipment will be installed on independent steel platforms. The platforms will be
completed using grating and handrails. A 20-ton overhead crane will be installed to support the
maintenance operations.
In addition to the buildings, an outdoor laydown area will be built to receive and store large
pieces of equipment.
Pre-Concentrate Loading Building.
The pre-concentrate loading building will host the pre-
concentrate loading bin and the truck load out system. A scale will be installed to control the
amount of pre-concentrate loaded on trucks. The building is estimated at 80 ft. x 30 ft. x 85 ft.
height. It will be built using multi-level steel platforms for ongoing operation and maintenance
needs. Major equipment will be installed on independent steel platforms. The platforms will be
completed using grating and handrails. A 2-ton monorail and hoist crane will be installed to
support the maintenance operations.
Mine Office, Change Room, Warehouse, and Mine Vehicle Maintenance Shop.
The mine
vehicle maintenance shop will be used to repair and maintain the mining fleet. It will be located
on the southern portion of the PUG Facility. The building is estimated at 300 ft. x 100 ft. x 50 ft.
height. A 20-ton overhead crane will be installed to support the maintenance operations.
Explosive Storage.
Prior to the receipt of explosives material and storage, RER will be required
to obtain a permit from the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The permit will
require a pre-inspection of the explosive magazines construction and location specifications to
meet the distance requirements for storage of explosives in 27 CFR 555.
The explosives detonating material will be stored in two 77 ft
(11 ft. x 7 ft. x 7 ft.) secure, and
fire proof buildings, constructed on concrete pads to meet the Type 1 magazine specifications in
27 CFR Part 555. One magazine will contain initiator products and detonators and the other
magazine located at a distance of 60 feet will contain detonator cord and boosters for the
initiator products.
The explosive magazines will be located in accordance with 27 CFR 555.218, Table of
Distances for Storage of Explosive Materials. The buildings will be constructed with non-
combustible and reasonably bullet-resistant material with screened ventilation openings near
the floor and ceiling. The buildings will be locked and posted with danger signs. These
magazines will be used exclusively for the storage of detonators and related materials, such as
safety fuse and detonating cord. Bulk storage of ammonium nitrate-fuel oil (ANFO) components
will be separated from the magazine area as required under 30 CFR 56.6008. It is anticipated
that monthly delivery of detonators and ANFO will be required.
The proposed location of the magazines is shown within the PUG Facility on Map 4.2-2 (map
pocket) and their specifications as described in 27 CFR Part 555 are summarized below:
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