Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 31

The volumes of the sediment trapping ponds are representative of storage to accommodate
runoff from the 10-year, 24-hour event and sediment storage. The Pit Dewatering Pond also
includes storage for water and sediment as a result of 500 gpm pit dewatering. The ponds and
any associated embankments will be protected by outlet works and overflow spillways to be
provided as part of detailed designs. The overflow spillways will likely be designed to flow over
the face of the embankment in a controlled manner in a reinforced section. The ponds will
require periodic maintenance and cleanout to ensure proper functioning.
Sizes of culverts on secondary and haul roads are summarized below and are shown on Figure
1 in Appendix D. Final culvert design will include inlet and outlet erosion protection.
Culvert Designation
(see Figure 1 in
Appendix D)
Design Flow
Culvert Size
No. of Barrels
4.5.5 Workforce Construction
Construction of the Bull Hill Mine is expected to require 85 workers over a 12-month
construction schedule. Operations
The Bull Hill Mine is expected to employ up to 70 workers during mining operations (see Table
4.5-2). The mine will be operated 5 days per week, 20 hours per day (two 10-hour shifts).
Table 4.5-2
Bear Lodge Project: Bull Hill Mine Operational Workforce
Workforce Category
Number of
Mine Administration
Mine Operations
Mine Maintenance
Total Mine Workforce
The mine will operate for 25 years until the ore is depleted. Stockpiled low and mid-grade ores
will continue to be processed for an additional 18 years.
During the processing of the high grade ores, the PUG Plant is expected to employ 21 workers
during operations and operate one 8 hour shift per day, 5 days per week. After Year 9, plant
production will increase and employment will increase to a total of 27 and operate two 8-hour
shifts per day 5 days per week.
RER expects to employ an administrative staff of 11 office workers, including accounting,
purchasing, environmental and health and safety, and human resources personnel, in
Sundance. The Upton Plant is expected to employ up to 50 workers during peak operations.
4.5.6 Operations Schedule/Production Rates
The target annual production rate for the mine plan is 175,000 tons (dry) of high grade ore
delivered to the PUG plant per year for project Years 1 through 9. In Year 10 through the end of
project life, the target is 350,000 tons per year. The increase in production coincides with the
beginning of production from the Whitetail Pit. The total material moved per year, ore and waste
is estimated to be 6.0 million tons per year. Low and mid-grade ores will be stockpiled during
the first 9 years of operation and then processed though the PUG Plant.
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