Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 23

located and constructed using measures outlined by the WDEQ in the Wyoming Nonpoint
Source Management Plan to minimize surface disturbance, erosion and visual contrast, and
reclamation (WDEQ, 2000).
Upgraded and new roads will be designed similarly to the access route with a total width of 80 ft.
(24.38 meters) for secondary roads and 100 ft. (30.48 meters) for Haul Roads to support mine
haul truck traffic. Wherever possible, roads will be realigned around trees. In the event that
some trees require limbing or removal, RER will remove and stack slash and felled trees on the
uphill side of the road for later salvage, prior to road construction, unless otherwise directed by
the Forest Service.
Balanced cut and fill construction will be used to the greatest extent possible to minimize
exposed cut slopes and the volume of fill material. Growth media removed during construction
will be stockpiled along with felled trees. Some road improvements could occur in dry washes
disturbed by previous operators. Any drainage crossed with a road will follow Forest Service
Standards (Gold Book – BLM and Forest Service, 2007) to minimize surface disturbance and
erosion potential. Typical erosion control methods, including detention basins, storm drain
pipes, swales, ditches, silt fences, erosion control logs and blankets, and rock check dams will
be used as necessary to control erosion and storm water runoff on and around the site (see
Appendix C).
RER will control access on roads within the Mine Area in accordance with MSHA regulations.
The main access to the active mine area will be gated and will be manned by a 24-hour main
guard house (see Map 4.2-2 – map pocket). Additional measures to control access include, but
are not limited to, fencing, posting signs, and partial reclamation. The active mine area will be
fenced with a 5-strand barbed wire fence with construction and fencing materials (wire, angles,
posts and braces, fittings, gates, and gate posts) conforming to the Natural Resources
Conservation Service (NRCS) Construction Specifications CS-BW-382-1. The PUG Plant area
will be fenced with a standard 6 foot chain link fence with a “V” top, 6-strand barbed wire
configuration at the top of the fence for additional security. All sign posting will be approved by
the Forest Service and will meet standards set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices (U.S Federal Highway Administration - FHWA, 2009). Safety hazards will be marked by
signs, fences, or otherwise identified to protect the public in accordance with federal and state
laws and regulations.
4.3.5 Road Maintenance
RER will be responsible for maintenance of the access route from the intersection of Warren
Peak Road and Miller Creek Road to the Mine Area as well as for maintenance of all secondary
roads and haul roads. Routine maintenance on the access route will include grading and dust
control on unpaved roads and snow removal on all roads. Snowplows will be used to remove
snow to the full width of the road plus turnouts and ditch lines. Gravel roads will be resurfaced
with road base, and asphalt overlays will be applied to damaged portions of paved roads on an
as-needed basis. Routine road maintenance on secondary roads and haul roads will include
smoothing ruts, filling holes with fill material, grading, safety berms, adding road base, and re-
establishing waterbars as necessary to maintain adequate drainage according to the Gold Book
(BLM and Forest Service, 2007).
The Bull Hill Mine layout is provided on Map 4.2-2 (map pocket). Project components include
the Miller Creek Access Route, the PUG Facility, the Mineable Pit, the Waste Rock Facility
including the Low Grade Ore Stockpile, Topsoil Stockpiles, water supply wells, water line,
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