Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 101

5.20.1 Baseline Description
Hardwood Forest and Ponderosa Pine Woodland are two of the four vegetation types mapped
in the Project Area and vicinity (see Vegetation section).
5.20.2 Design Features/Environmental Protection Measures
RER has identified the following design features/environmental protection measures to reduce
potential impacts to forest management:
Prior to surface disturbance, proposed disturbance areas will be flagged to allow the
Forest Service to conduct a site assessment of forestry resources.
Forest Service approval will be obtained before the cutting or removal of trees.
All saw timber trees identified for cutting or removal will be cut and removed from the
Black Hills Forest, unless the Forest Service determined that the trees should remain
on site.
If left on site, the trees will be cut into 6-foot pieces and limbs of the trees will be
scattered and lay less than or equal to 18 inches from the ground surface.
For trees cut/removed, residual stumps will be left in accordance with Forest Service
RER will compensate the Forest Service for timber removed in accordance with
Forest Service requirements
Following reclamation, trees will be planted, if reestablishment from surrounding
seed sources is deemed insufficient by the Forest Service.
5.21 NOISE
5.21.1 Baseline Noise Studies
A background noise evaluation study was conducted at the Bull Hill Area in October 2012 to
measure and document ambient sound levels. Ambient sound levels were recorded at 11
different monitoring locations for a total of 24 hours. Measurement locations 5 through 8 are
north and east of Crook County Road 100, locations 9 through 16 are off Sundance- Miller
Creek Road and Sundance-Warren Peak County Road, and location 9 is at Reuter
Campground. Locations 10 through 16 were placed near to residences on the two roads which
were located within the road right-of-way as close as possible to the property line of the
residences. Results of the noise evaluation are presented in Appendix K.
5.21.2 Design Features/Environmental Protection Measures
RER has not identified any additional design features/environmental protection measures to
reduce potential impacts resulting from noise.
The Bear Lodge Mine Reclamation Pre-Feasibility Closure Plan and Cost Estimate (Golder,
2012) details closure and provides a cost estimate. The plan is summarized in the sections
5.22.1 Reclamation Schedule
Reclamation and closure are expected to take place progressively during mining operations. It is
assumed that all closure and reclamation (excluding monitoring) will be completed within 2
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