Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 90

community. A Botrychium species was documented within the Project Area. Detailed results of
the Region 2 Sensitive plant species and plan SLC surveys were compiled in the fall of 2012.
5.14.2 Design Features/Environmental Protection Measures
RER has identified the following design features/environmental protection measures to reduce
potential impacts to T&E and special status plant species:
Areas that are considered potential sensitive plant species habitat will be avoided to
the extent possible. Where avoidance is not possible, disturbance will be limited to
the smallest area required for the given activity.
Erosion control devices will be installed to reduce or eliminate sediment deposition
within areas of potential sensitive plant species habitat. Seeding will be
accomplished with an approved seed mix, as soon as possible following disturbance
to reduce erosion and prevent noxious and invasive weed establishment.
Noxious and invasive weeds will be controlled to prevent establishment within areas
of potential sensitive plant species habitat. Herbicides used in control of noxious and
invasive weeds will be used as directed in the Weed Management Plan.
5.15.1 Baseline Surveys
Surveys for Wyoming State designated noxious weeds (Wyoming Weed and Pest Council,
2010a) and Crook County declared weeds (Wyoming Weed and Pest Council, 2010b) were
conducted in conjunction with baseline vegetation sampling within the Project Area August 15-
18, 2011. All designated noxious weeds and declared weeds observed during these surveys
were GPS located and mapped. Surveys for Wyoming State designated noxious weeds and
Crook County declared weeds were completed in 2012 along the Miller Creek Access Route.
Two Crook County declared weeds were encountered during 2011 sampling: common mullein
Verbascum thapsus
) and bull thistle (
Cirsium vulgare
). Common mullein was observed within
all four of the vegetation communities, mainly along roads, with some larger populations
throughout the Project Area. Bull thistle was observed within all vegetation communities, except
the Drainage Bottomland vegetation community; observed populations were generally isolated
and composed of one to few individuals.
State of Wyoming designated noxious weeds observed included oxeye daisy (
), butter-and-eggs (
Linaria vulgaris
), scotch thistle (
Onopordum acanthium
musk thistle (
Cardus nutans
), western houndstounge (
Cynoglossum officinale
), Canada thistle
Cirsium arvense
), quackgrass (
Elymus repens
), and common tansy (
Tanacetum vulgare
Butter-and-eggs, musk thistle, and western houndstongue were found in all four of the
vegetation communities as isolated or scattered populations along roadways throughout the
Project Area. Canada thistle was also observed within all vegetation communities either as
scattered populations along roadways or as larger populations scattered throughout the Project
Area. Common tansy was observed as isolated populations in all vegetation communities,
except the Drainage Bottomland vegetation community. Oxeye daisy was observed within the
Hardwood Forest vegetation community as a single observation along a roadway in Section 21.
Scotch thistle and quackgrass were only observed within the Ponderosa Pine Woodland
vegetation community; both were isolated populations. Dalmatian toadflax (
Linaria dalmatica
was not observed during 2011 survey; however, it was documented within the Project Area
during previous surveys (Forest Service, 2009).
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