Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 91

5.15.2 Design Features/Environmental Protection Measures
RER has identified the following design features/environmental protection measures to reduce
potential impacts resulting from invasive non-native species:
RER will implement measures identified in the Weed Management Plan (Appendix
O). The plan will outline all other protection measures listed below and will include a
weed treatment schedule and describe methods of treatment.
Wyoming State designated noxious weeds and Crook County declared weeds will
be dealt with in accordance with the Weed and Pest Control Act of 1973, the
Wyoming Seed Laws, and the Crook County Weed Control Supervisors.
Monitoring for noxious, declared, or non-native species will continue during project
implementation. If new noxious weed infestations are found during implementation,
actions to minimize spread will be taken.
To prevent importation of noxious or declared weed and/or invasive non-native
All equipment will be washed free of all mud and vegetative debris prior to
being moved into the Project Area.
Washing will occur at either a commercial truck wash or at a private facility
where the water and debris are collected for treatment or disposal in an
appropriate landfill.
Seed will be tested for noxious weeds at the time of purchase (Forest Plan
Standard 4306).
Noxious and declared weeds will be eradicated consistent with the Forest Service
Weed Management Plan (2003) and Bear Lodge Project Weed Management Plan
during operation and for 3 years after disturbance; until noxious weeds are
eliminated from disturbed areas or at pre-disturbance levels.
Herbicide use in the treatment of noxious weeds will be conducted in accordance
with EPA guidelines and as specified by the product label. Approved herbicides for
the Black Hills National Forest are listed in the Forest Service Weed Management
Plan (Forest Service, 2003).
Buffers will be used around water sources, lakes, wetlands and riparian areas, and
streams to keep concentrations of chemical herbicides in water well below those
harmful to drinking, irrigation, aquatic life, and non-target vegetation as outlined by
the EPA and WDEQ. Treatment of individual plants with aquatic-labeled chemical
agents may occur in buffers (Forest Plan Standard 4308).
Herbicide-free buffer widths will be developed based on herbicide labels and site-
specific criteria. A minimum buffer of 25 ft. will be used for vehicle application and a
minimum buffer of 10 ft. will be used for hand spraying application, when the
product label does not specify buffer width.
5.16.1 Wetland Surveys
A baseline wetland assessment was conducted for the proposed Bear Lodge Project. Wetland
surveys were conducted in accordance with the Regional Supplement to the USACE Wetland
Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys and Coast (Version 2.0). The USACE Wetland
Determination Data Forms-Western Mountains, Valleys and Coast Region (Version 2.0), were
utilized for the observation points. All other waters of the United States were also assessed in
conjunction with the wetland surveys. Wetland indicator categories were identified for each
dominant plant species noted through use of the National List of Vascular Plant Species that
Occur in Wetlands, 1988 National Summary. Region 4 (North Plains) indicator categories were
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