Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 100

Table 5.19-1
Grazing Allotments within the Project Area
Approximate Acres within the
Project Area
Warren Peak
5.19.2 Design Features/Environmental Protection Measures
RER has identified the following design features/environmental protection measures to reduce
potential impacts to range management:
Native vegetation will be retained to the maximum extent possible during
Current range conditions will be maintained within the Project Area (outside of the
disturbance area) by limiting vegetation disturbance and through control of noxious
weeds and fugitive dust.
A perimeter fence will be constructed around the Mine Area consisting of 5-strand
barbed wire conforming to NRCS and/or Forest Service specifications. The perimeter
fence will be maintained throughout the life of the mining operations. Fences
damaged from cutting of vegetation or other activities associated with the project
would be repaired to prevent livestock movement. The PUG Plant will be fenced with
a 6-foot chain link fence with a “V” top, 6-strand barbed wire configuration at the top
of the fence for additional security. There will be no grazing within the Mine Area.
Any cattle guard damage resulting from the project will be repaired immediately.
Coordination may be required with range permittees for relocation of salt licks within
close proximity to the perimeter fence or near access routes.
Livestock water sources located within the Mine Area will be moved. It is anticipated
that Davis Spring and Allred Spring located in Section 16 will need to be relocated
south to Section 21. The spring source (Whitetail 02) within the footprint of the pit
(Map 5.3-2) will most likely be lost as a potential livestock water source. Location of
new water sources will be coordinated with the Forest Service.
Any conflicts with pipeline and fence locations will be coordinated with the Forest
Re-vegetation practices will be designed to establish vegetation communities
capable of supporting livestock grazing levels similar to pre-mining conditions. To
increase re-vegetation success, livestock will be excluded from reclaimed areas for 2
Allotment fences removed during the mining operation will be replaced and the
perimeter fence will be removed.
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