Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 106

collection and enhanced revegetation. It is assumed that the Waste Rock Facility will be
constructed in 50 foot lifts and each lift will have the exterior face graded and contoured to
reclamation slopes following completion of the lift.
Grading will include techniques to mitigate wind and water erosion of the slope during
revegetation and to provide non-erosive runoff controls. Erosion techniques will be mitigated
during operations by the use of mulch, silt fences, and temporary channels. During reclamation,
appropriate surface water controls including positive drainage from intermediate benches and
cross contour channels to minimize the length of flow paths will be utilized. Mulch will be placed
and maintained to promote revegetation and guard against erosion.
The surface of the Waste Rock Facility will be revegetated. If equipment access
is difficult along the side slopes of the Waste Rock Facility, then wood fiber mulch will be applied
hydraulically (i.e., hydromulched) and broadcast seeding will be employed.
Vehicle access to the Waste Rock Facility will continue to be restricted following
revegetation by placing large boulders across the access road at the base of the facility. Low Grade Ore Stockpile
The Low Grade Ore Stockpile will be buttressed against the southwest corner of the Waste
Rock Facility. The total design footprint is approximately 70 acres. The material in the Low
Grade Ore Stockpile is assumed to be re-mined and processed prior to closure and reclamation
of the Mine Area. Reclamation of the Low Grade Ore Stockpile will be completed by regrading
and recontouring the footprint of the stockpile to reflect pre-mine topography to the extent
practical. Subsoil and topsoil will be distributed over the area. The total reclamation area for the
Low Grade Ore Stockpile is approximately 70 acres. Assessment of the long-term
environmental behavior of Low Grade Ore Stockpile material is part of the current geochemical
Grading and Erosion Control.
Once the material has been re-mined from the Low Grade Ore
Stockpile, the native ground will be re-contoured to reflect original topography as practical and
to allow for natural water collection and enhanced revegetation. Grading will include techniques
to mitigate wind and water erosion of the slope during revegetation and to provide non-erosive
runoff controls. Regrading, contouring, revegetation, and topsoil placement will occur
progressively as the Low Grade Ore Stockpile is re-mined to minimize reclamation time
following the end of the mine life, to reduce the time for subsoil and topsoil to be stockpiled and
to minimize erosion of the exposed surfaces.
The footprint of the Low Grade Ore Stockpile will be revegetated. Special care
will be taken to assure that the native ground is properly scarified prior to subsoil and topsoil
placement to allow for good contact between the soil strata. Plant Site and Mine Support Facilities
Dismantle and Salvage.
Following the completion of mining activities, and assuming that no
future mining or mineral recovery is planned, the buildings, facilities, and equipment will be
decommissioned and removed from the site. Some buildings or portions of buildings may be
required to remain after mining in order to support reclamation and post-mining activities. The
proposed use of these buildings and facilities will be documented and provided to the WDEQ-
LQD and the landowner for approval. Equipment, surplus materials, and fuel and water tanks
will be removed and disposed off-site and/or recycled in accordance with applicable regulations.
Pipelines, power lines, culverts, building foundations, and building pads will be removed in
accordance with applicable regulations. Debris may be buried on-site as allowable by closure
guidelines and regulatory approval at the time of closure.
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