Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 86

5.12.2 Design Features/Environmental Protection Measures
RER has identified the following design features/environmental protection measures to reduce
potential impacts to water rights:
RER will design and construct the water supply wells with isolation packers intended
to prevent the wells from depleting shallower groundwater that could be connected to
local springs.
5.13.1 Baseline Surveys and Vegetation
Vegetation assessments have been initiated to identify pre-mining vegetation communities and
document vegetation characteristics within each identified vegetation community, according to
WDEQ-LQD Non-Coal Permitting regulations. Sampling methodology for the Project Area was
approved by the WDEQ-LQD in August 2011. Quantitative vegetation sampling was conducted
from August 15-18, 2011. Additional quantitative vegetation sampling will be conducted along
the Miller Creek Access Route, overhead transmission line, and water line as deemed
necessary by the Forest Service and WDEQ-LQD. Mapping
Vegetation communities were mapped in 2011 using 2009 USDA NAIP true color ortho aerial
imagery. Extent of vegetation communities throughout the Project Area were agreed upon by
the Forest Service and WDEQ-LQD personnel during the July 26, 2011, site visit. Disturbed
areas were identified and mapped, based on the scale of available mapping. Disturbed areas
were excluded from all vegetation sampling. Vegetation communities along the Miller Creek
Access Route were mapped in 2012 utilizing the vegetation community descriptions agreed
upon by the Forest Service and WDEQ-LQD in 2011. Vegetation communities along the
overhead transmission line will be mapped similar to the Miller Creek Access Route prior to
construction. Transect Origin Selection
A computerized systematic grid (through ArcGIS) was used to randomly locate sample points
within each vegetation community. These computer generated random locations were uploaded
to a hand-held Global Positioning System (GPS) unit for location in the field. Points were
sampled in numerical order until the minimum sample size was attained and then until either
sample adequacy was met or the required maximum number of samples had been collected. Cover
Percent cover measurements were taken from point-intercepts at 1-meter intervals along a 50-
meter point-intercept cover transect using a laser point device. Each 50-meter point-intercept
cover transect began at its specified random origin point and extended in a random compass
direction. Transects that exceed the boundaries of the vegetation community being sampled
were redirected back into its vegetation community at a 90 degree angle from the original
transect direction at the point of intercept. In instances where a 90 degree angle of reflection did
not place the transect within the sampled vegetation community, a 45 degree angle of reflection
was used.
Each 50-meter point-intercept cover transect represented a single sample point within the given
vegetation community. Each point-intercept represented 2 percent of the cover measurement.
Percent cover measurements record “first-hit” point-intercepts by live foliar vegetation species,
litter, rock, or bare ground. “Second-hits” on vegetation were recorded, but used only for the
purpose of constructing a plant species list for each vegetation community. The data was
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