Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 – Rev. 0
conducted ground radiometric and soil surveys in 2009 and 2010, and controlled
source audio-magneto-telluric (CSMAT) surveys over both rare earth and surrounding
precious metal target areas in 2010 and 2011. Geological mapping, rock chip
sampling, and radiometric surveys were carried out in areas with newly created
exposures of subcrop and outcrop, including drill roads and drill pads. Trenches
excavated during the 2011 field season exposed subcrop and outcrop in the Bull Hill
resource area. The trenches were a focus of detailed mapping, sampling, and
radiometric surveys. Borehole televiewer surveys were conducted on selected drill
holes during the 2011 through 2013 drill seasons and provided additional detailed
geological and structural information.
In 2012, 7 core holes totalling 4,550 feet (1387 m) were drilled to provide
geotechnical information for slope stability consultant Sierra Geotechnical LLC. Core
from these holes remains unsplit and has been sub-sampled for geotechnical
laboratory testing. These drill holes were surveyed by televiewer to provide additional
structural information to Sierra Geotechnical.
In 2013 fourteen HQ core holes were drilled at the Whitetail Ridge resource area, for
a total of 11,697.5 feet.
The objective of the program was to upgrade the size and
resource category of the Whitetail Ridge oxide resources, and to further delineate the
HREE (Eu, Tb, Dy, and Y) enrichment in the deposit. Following the Whitetail Ridge
development drilling 21 PQ core holes and 6 reverse circulation (RC) drill holes were
drilled along the high-grade dike zone at Bull Hill in order to gain a better
understanding of the grade distribution in the zone, and to provide additional material
for ongoing pilot plant testing. The RC drill holes twinned selected PQ drill holes, with
the objective of developing reliable methodology that would give comparable results
to the PQ core drilling and thus enable the use of less expensive RC methodology to
replace core drilling for resource estimation purposes.