NI43-101Pre-Feasibility Study Report - page 141

Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 – Rev. 0
additional drilling from 2004-2013, in order to confirm the continuity and grade of the
mineralized bodies at Bull Hill. As described in Chapter 8.0, increased drilling density
shows that the southern two thirds of the dike swarm east of the drainage include a
persistent northwest-striking zone of dikes, veins, and stockwork that envelops a
relatively continuous, steeply dipping to vertical main dike that locally reaches 80 feet
(24 meters) in width, and multiple sub-parallel dikes. At the northern end of the NW-
trending zone, the main dike splits into a horsetail of smaller N, WNW- and NNW-
trending dikes and stockwork zones (Figures 8.2 and 9.1).
Drilling from 2010 through 2013 indicates that the zone of REE-mineralized dikes,
veins, and stockwork persists well to the west of the main Bull Hill dikes. The area
west of the drainage comprises significant additional REE resources that are included
in the current resource estimate (see Figure 9.1). Drilling conducted during 2011 -
2013 indicates that the southeastern end of the dike swarm feathers out, terminates,
and/or is offset along an easterly trending fault that is approximately coincident with
the northern boundary of Section 20 (currently withdrawn from mineral entry). The
Bull Hill deposit remains open to the west, northwest, and north.
The presence of a deep carbonatite plug located beneath the Bull Hill West area (now
part of the Bull Hill resource area) had been inferred from drilling and geophysical
surveys that include airborne magnetics, ground IP/resistivity, and reprocessed
NURE geophysical data. Molycorp drill holes BL-1, BL-8, BL-9, and BL-12, Hecla drill
holes WP-7 and WP-8, and several Rare Element drill holes intersect significant
intercepts of weakly mineralized (1-3% total REO) FMR stockwork, sulfide-bearing
carbonatite, and silicocarbonatite stockworks and breccias in this area. In this model
the stockwork zones are interpreted to represent the brecciated carapace over a
buried carbonatite plug. During the 2010 drilling season, RES10-57 targeted the
inferred carbonatite plug. It intersected extensive deep carbonatite dikes and
brecciation with grades up to 3.8% TREO, consistent with an interpretation as the
apical carapace of a large buried carbonatite body. The deep carbonatite plug target
has since been abandoned, because mining of the sulfide zone is not currently in the
development plans. The overlying area was extensively drilled to target the shallower
oxide and oxide-carbonate zones in 2011 and 2012, with further discovery of FMR
and Ox-Ca dikes, veins, and stockwork.
9.2.2 Bull Hill Northwest
The Bull Hill Northwest deposit is located approximately 1,000 feet (300 meters) north
of the Bull Hill deposit (Figures 8.1 and 9.1). Hecla discovered strongly-mineralized
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