Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 – Rev. 0
FMR and carbonatite dike bodies in this area in drill hole WP-2. Drilling in 2010
provided evidence for a system of narrow, steeply dipping, northerly trending FMR,
OxCa, and carbonatite dikes hosted predominantly by trachyte and phonolite. The
Rare Element drilling suggests that Hecla’s drill hole WP-2 may have penetrated
down-dip along a northerly-striking dike, which resulted in a long intercept of high-
grade mineralization. Additional controls on mineralization in the Bull Hill NW area
include widespread NE to ENE fractures and joints, and these structures may have
played a role in focusing the mineralization. Several near-surface NNE trending
hematitic fracture zones (possible faults) traverse this target area and may further
complicate interpretation of dike orientation and distribution. Soil geochemical and
radiometric anomalies within approximately 500 feet (150 meters) NNE of this area,
and the current distribution of significant drill intercepts, indicate that the deposit
remains open to the north and provides an attractive exploration target area. Further
drilling is needed to better define mineralization in this area.
9.2.3 Whitetail Ridge
The Whitetail Ridge deposit is located approximately 1,500 feet (460 meters)
northwest of the Bull Hill deposit and approximately 500 to 1000 feet (150 to 300
meters) west of the Bull Hill Northwest deposit. The USBM explored a disseminated
stockwork REE deposit in the Whitetail Ridge area in the early 1950’s. In 1950, the
USBM conducted sampling that identified an REE-anomalous area defined by total
REE abundances greater than 2000 ppm. The sampling program was followed in
1951 by a limited drill program that tested the anomalous area with 10 shallow core
holes that ranged in depth from 23.5 to 220.1 feet (7 to 67 meters). The drilling
identified FMR stockwork veinlets that consist of REE minerals in a matrix of iron and
manganese oxides. A re-evaluation of the data by the USBM in 1990 estimated that
the area contains about 76.2 million standard tons of material containing 1.5% REO
(Gersic et al., 1990). The USBM estimate is considered unreliable and suitable only
as an indication of exploration potential.
Evaluation of the historic USBM data, along with results of detailed geological
mapping and sampling, a positive ground radiometric anomaly, and REE
mineralization in nearby drill holes, confirmed this area as a prospective target.
Historic drill hole WP-1, drilled within the Whitetail Ridge target area by Hecla in 1987,
intersected 430 feet (131 meters) that averages 2.44% TREO in a near-surface
intercept from 0 to 430 feet (131 meters). Several 10-foot (3-meter) intercepts with
grades ranging from 5.5 to 13.7% TREO are contained within the larger intercept.
Rare Element conducted additional detailed geological mapping and rock chip