Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 115

Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Land Quality Division (WDEQ). (2013).
Chapter 11, Section 31. Available:
Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD). 2009. Atlas of Birds, Mammals, Amphibians,
and Reptiles in Wyoming.
Wyoming Game and Fish Department. 2010. Species of Greatest Conservation Need list.
Wyoming Weed and Pest Council. 2010a. Wyoming Weed and Pest Control Act Designated
List. Wyoming Department of Agriculture, Wyoming Weed and Pest Council, Cheyenne,
Wyoming. Accessed online:
Wyoming Weed and Pest Council. 2010b. Weed and Pest List Declared List (By County)
Amended February 2010. Wyoming Department of Agriculture, Wyoming Weed and Pest
Council, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Accessed online:
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