Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 PFS Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10035-200-46 - Rev. 0
Years 15 to 19 and 23 to 26: Composite B
Years 20 to 22 and 27 to 45: Composite E
Roche Engineering Inc., “YBY R3 – Aug 2014,” Tab HCl from Henry, 2014.
Precipitation Efficiency Dataset, (SGS Canada Inc., “13684-009 PP5 - PP7 Balances
Optimized Summaries - April 2 2014”, Tab PP6 P B, 2014)
“The thorium precipitation stage 1 reaction temperature is established at 25 degrees
Celsius” SGS Canada Inc., “MASTER 13684-009 THORIUM REMOVAL,” 2014.
Thorium Precipitation Reaction Efficiencies, (SGS Canada Inc., “MASTER 13684-009
Validation of the ChemCAD predicted equilibrium composition was performed using the
pilot plant data supplied by SGS Canada Inc. SGS Canada Inc., “13684-009 PP5 - PP7
Balances Optimized Summaries - April 2 2014”, Tab DIS A and DIS B, 2014.
The output of the Hydromet METSIM Model is a series of mass balances and products,
potential by-product and waste streams compositions and quantities that were used to size
the equipment and calculate the financial figures for the Hydromet operation.
Roche Engineering Inc., “YBY R3 – Aug 2014,” Tab Summary, 2014.
Chapter 18
Miller Creek Road,
(Oakley, 2012)
PFS Update PUG Flowsheets, (Roche Engineering 2014)
General Facilities Flowsheet, (Golder & Associates)
Chapter 19
“Curtin-IMCOA Rare Earths Quarterly Bulletin #7”, Professor Dudley Kingsnorth & Industrial
Minerals Company of Australia Pty Ltd, 6/15/14
“Rare Earth Elements: The Global Supply Chain”, Marc Humphries, Congressional
Research Service, 12/16/13
“The Rare Earth Crisis – the Supply/Demand Situation for 2010-2015, K.A. Gschneidner,
Jr., Aldrich.com, 2011