Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 PFS Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10035-200-46 - Rev. 0
“Report on Critical Raw Materials for the EU”, May 2014
“iNEMI White Paper: Rare Earth Metals – Current Status & Future Outlook”, iNEMI Rare
Earth Metals Project Team, Second Quarter, 2014
”Global Magnetic Materials Market is Expected to Reach USD 87.18 Billion in 2019”,
Transparency Market Research, 7/7/14
“Lighting the Way – Rare Earths in Lighting”, John Hykawy, InvestorIntel.com, 6/20/2014
“China’s rare earth toxic time bomb to spur $12 bn of mines”, David Stringer, Bloomberg,
“Asia-Pacific to lead growth in magnetic materials as R&D booms”, Justin Pugsley, metal-
pages.com, 7/1/14
“The Rare Earths Industry: Marking Time”, Dudley Kingsnorth, Curtin University, March
”The Demand for Rare Earth Materials in Permanent Magnets”, S. Constantinides, Arnold
Magnetic Technologies, 2012
“China’s new round of rare earths stockpiling to boost prices”, Hongpo Shen,
InvestorIntel.com, 4/10/14
“Rare Earth Metals Market by Type & Application – Global Trends & Forecast to 2018”,
Research & Markets, 4/16/14
“Demand for rare earth permanent magnetic material to see steady growth – ACREI”,
metal-pages.com, 3/11/14
“Supply-and-demand geoeconomic analysis of mineral resources of rare earth elements in
the United States”, A. Nieto and M. Iannuzzi, Mining Engineering magazine, April 2012
“Byproduct Metals and Rare Earth Elements Used In the Production of Light-Emitting
Diodes – Overview of Principal Sources of Supply and Material Requirements for Selected
Markets”, David Wilburn, U.S. Geological Survey, 2012