Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 PFS Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10035-200-46 - Rev. 0
27 References
Chapter 1
“Roche Engineering, PFS Study 2014/ Published in the RER News Release 8/2014”
A patent titled “Extraction of Metals from Metallic Compounds” was filed by Rare Element
Resources Ltd. on January 18, 2014. Dr. Henry Kasaini, Director of Science and
Technology for Rare Element Resources, is named as inventor on the patent. This patent
combines an initial provisional patent on the “Rare Earth Element Extraction” process
technology, filed in January 2013, with another patent titled: “Extraction of Thorium from
Rare Earth Compounds and Related Methods” provisional patent, filed in November 2013.
U.S. Department of energy – Critical Materials Strategy Report – December 2011
“Technical Report on the Mineral Reserves and Development of the Bull Hill Mine, a
National Instrument 43-101 Report,” by Primary Author Eric F. Larochelle, Eng., Alan C.
Noble, P.E., Michael P. Richardson, P.E., Jaye T. Pickarts, P.E., Donald E. Ranta, Ph.D
dated April 2012 and prepared by Roche Engineering Inc. (TR, April 2012).
“Technical Report: Preliminary Economic Assessment (Scoping Study) of the Bear Lodge
Rare-Earths Project—A National Instrument 43-101 Report, Crook County, Wyoming,” by
Michael P. Richardson, P.E., Alan C. Noble, P.E., Ron Roman, PhD, P.E., James G Clark,
PhD, LGeo, dated November 2010 and prepared by John T. Boyd Company for Rare
Element Resources Ltd.,
Technical Report on the Bear Lodge Rare-Earths Property, Crook County, Wyoming –
USA,” by Alan C. Noble, P.E., James G. Clark, PhD, LGeo, and Donald E. Ranta, PhD,
CPG, dated May 9, 2009 and prepared by Ore Reserves Engineering for Rare Element
Resources Ltd.,
“Geological Exploration Report of the Bear Lodge Rare Earth Property, Crook County,
Wyoming – USA,” by Brian H. Meyer, P.Geol, dated September 30, 2002 and prepared by
an independent geologist for Paso Rico Resources Ltd. (now known as Rare Element
Holdings, Ltd.), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rare Element Resources Ltd.