NI43-101Pre-Feasibility Study Report - page 580

Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 PFS Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10035-200-46 - Rev. 0
Log-transformed Histograms for Calcium Oxide by OreZONE and Oxide Type
Adjustment Factors for Grade Estimation – Block Zone And Composite Zone Combinations
Formulae for Estimation of Missing Fe2O3, MnO, and CaO Grades
Rotations by Domain for Computation of Global Variograms
Summary of Global Variogram Models
Experimental Variograms and Models for the OreZONE Indicator Flag
Experimental Variograms and Models for TREO in the
High-Grade Zone
Experimental Variograms and Models for TREO in the Combined Low-Grade Zone
Experimental Variograms and Models for FMR in the High-Grade Zone
Experimental Variograms and Models for FMR in the Low-Grade Zone
Parameters for NN Assignment of OreZONE
Typical Plan Map Showing the OreZONE
Block Model at Elevation 5700
Search Parameters for IDP Estimation of Grades
Parameters for IDP Estimation of Grades in the Oxide Zone
Parameters for IDP Estimation of Grades in the OxCa Zone
Parameters for IDP Estimation of Grades in the Transition Zone
Parameters for IDP Estimation of
Grades in the Sulfide Zone
Comparison of IDP vs. NN Estimates for Total REO
IDP:NN Ratios for Iron, Manganese, and Calcium
Formulae for Block Density Estimation
Compositing Dilution Summary
Dilution from Inverse-Distance-Power Estimation
Parameters for Resource Classification
Measured and Indicated Resources Using a Range of Cutoff Grades
Summary of Measured and Indicated Resource by Deposit
Summary of Measured and Indicated Resource by Element
Total Inferred Resources Using a Range of Cutoff Grades
Summary of Oxide Inferred Resource by Deposit
Summary of Sulfide Inferred Resource by Deposit
Summary of Inferred Resource by Element
Summary of High-Grade Measured and Indicated Resource
Comparative LREE and HREE Abundances at Whitetail and Bull Hill
Typical Cross Sections through the Oxidation State Model, provided by
(Noble 2014Oxidation State Model)
Method for Measuring and Calculating Density, provided by (Noble et al 2013)
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