Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 PFS Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 - Rev. 0
The company has received a budgetary quotation from an engineering company
to complete these studies for $295 ,000
26.3 Physical Upgrade Plant
26.3.1 Large-Scale Pilot Plant
A larger-scale pilot plant is recommended mainly to provide confirmation of design
parameters for engineering. This plant will identify material handling issues, if
any, in conveying, gravity separation, magnetic separation, thickening, filtration
and slurry pumping that were not already identified in pilot testing.
The large-scale pilot PUG plant will provide feed to a potential large scale pilot
Hydromet plant that is also recommended. The estimated cost for the PUG pilot
plant are included in the hydromet pilot plant cost estimate.
26.3.2 Pre-Concentrate Material Characterization
Various material handling tests will be required to design the PUG. These material
handling tests include:
Filtration testing;
Settling testing;
Slurry characterization and flow testing;
Angle of repose for solids;
Angle of discharge for solids;
Solids flow characteristics.
The estimated costs for these programs are approximately $250,000.
26.4 Hydromet Plant
26.4.1 Large-Scale Pilot Plant
A large-scale pilot plant is recommended mainly to provide confirmation of design
parameters for detailed engineering. The plant will confirm materials of
construction selections, and identify material handling issues, if any, in mixing,
thickening, filtration and slurry pumping.
A capital and operating cost estimate has been prepared by an engineering firm
to construct and operate a large-scale pilot plant for up to one year. The capital
cost has been estimated to be $8.75 million and the annual operating cost of $3.1