Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 – Rev. 0
11 Sample Preparation, Analyses and Security
11.1 Introduction
This section discusses sample preparation, analyses, and security at the Bear Lodge
Project through 2013. Data from the 2013 Bear Lodge Project drilling used in the
preparation of the figures and tables in this section are taken from Jaacks, 2014
(QAQC Results for the 2013 Bear Lodge Drilling Program). Data from the earlier 2009
– 2012 drilling programs used in the preparation of this section are taken from
previous Rare Element Technical Reports dated May 2, 2013 (as amended on June
26, 2013), April 13, 2012, and November 2010. Dr. Jeffrey Jaacks is an independent
consultant engaged by Rare Element Resources to guide the analytical program and
conduct QAQC evaluations of resultant assay data. The primary author of this
technical report has never had any relationship to Dr. Jeffrey Jaacks, or to the issuer
of the laboratories that analyzed or tested any of the samples. In addition, the
laboratories that analyzed and tested the samples are independent of Rare Element
Resources, Inc.
11.2 Historic Sample Preparation and Analyses
Molycorp, Inc. and Hecla are reported to have used industry standard practices for
sample collection, sample preparation, and analytical techniques in their exploration
and evaluation efforts, but detailed descriptions of those procedures have not been
found. Duval core was logged at a facility in Hulett, Wyoming, and alternate 10-foot
runs were split with one half bagged for assay and the other half retained. The
intervening, 10-foot core runs were also split and assayed in especially interesting
mineralized zones. Skeleton core boxes were prepared once holes were completed
and core was stored in a large metal shed in Hulett. Duval JV partner Molycorp
closely followed the Duval logging and sampling protocols during their drilling project.
When Duval located the DUV 1 through 42 claims in 1972, discovery work consisted
of drilling a 50-foot rotary hole along the center line of the claims. These conventional
rotary holes were poorly sampled using catch pans and shovel piles. As well, deeper
rotary holes drilled by Duval as scout holes for follow-up core holes were also poorly
sampled, with significant wall rock contamination as the holes got deeper. Two Duval
rotary holes completed in 1983 for assessment were sited off the Warren Peak road
north of the Four Corners intersection, and this drilling employed reverse circulation
dual wall pipe, resulting in more representative samples taken on 10 foot intervals.