Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 – Rev. 0
11.6.1 2009-2013 Quality Assurance Protocol
Individual drill holes in the 2009-2013 drill programs were submitted as separate jobs.
A minimum of 2 sets of duplicates, 2 lower grade standards, 2 higher-grade
standards, and 2 blanks were included with each drill hole submitted for analysis.
Sample numbers were used rather than drill hole number and footage to identify each
sample. MEG prepared the core samples and inserted the quality control samples
into the sample stream, which were then blinded to the analytical laboratories. MEG
also prepared crush (preparation) and pulp (analytical) duplicates from the materials
submitted for preparation. Rare Element quality assurance program on average
contained 1 duplicate, 1 high-grade standard, 1 low-grade standard, and 1 blank for
40 samples for a total of 8 QAQC samples in an analytical batch size of 80 samples,
or 10% quality control samples.
11.6.2 2009-2013 Blanks
The blanks were prepared by MEG from the same volcanic matrix material in a series
of batches that were used during the 2009-2011 drill programs. In 2012 and 2013,
RER included a quartz sand sample blank with samples being submitted for
preparation. Both blank matrixes actually contained very low concentrations of the
light rare earth elements. However, these light rare earth element concentrations
exceeded the background analytical threshold of 15 times the detection limit. Heavier
REE analyses (Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu) indicated detectable
concentrations of these elements, but all less than 15 times the lower detection limits.
This would suggest that there was no carry-over contamination for the light rare earth
elements, but that the concentrations of light rare earth elements were due to natural
background rather than contamination in the blanks. Analytical reproducibility of the
light rare earth elements in these materials indicates that the blanks are actually
excellent low-grade standards for the light rare earth elements.
11.6.3 2009-2013 Standards
The RE09003X and RE09006X standards were used for the 2009 analytical program
at Actlabs. The RE09001X, RE09003X, RE09004X, RE09006X, RE09007X, and
RE10003X standards were used for the 2010-2011 analytical program at ALS and the
2012 analytical program at Actlabs. The RE09003X, RE09007X, RE10001X, and
RE10003X standards were used for the 2013 analytical program at Actlabs. These
standards were prepared from Bull Hill REE-mineralized materials by MEG in Reno,
Nevada using the protocol discussed in Section 11.5.