Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 – Rev. 0
11.6.4 Historical Standard Values
The standards were originally certified for Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, and Sm analyses. In a
project of this magnitude, where the number of quality control analyses for the
laboratory of choice far exceeds the original number of analyses in the certificate, it is
acceptable practice to use statistics for the standards which are calculated based
upon the current analytical method at the laboratory(ies) used in the drill program to
evaluate QA/QC results. These statistics (the “historical mean and standard
deviation”) were used in evaluation of the standards results of this study and are
within 2-5% of the original values established by the qualifying round robin studies.
Table 11.1 shows a list of the historical statistics derived from analyses for the
combined 2009-2013 drill programs, along with the number of analyses used to
generate these statistics. The “%TREO” is the average percent total rare earth oxide
content for each standard.