Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 75

information about the cultural resource before it is destroyed through construction.
Resolving adverse effects to eligible historic properties will be done in consultation
with the State Historic Preservation Officer, Tribal Historic Preservation Officers, and
others by developing a Memorandum of Agreement, which will outline agreed-upon
measures that the agency will take to avoid, minimize, or mitigate the adverse
effects. Guidance on when data recovery is appropriate mitigation and how to carry it
out can be found in the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s Recommended
Approach for Consultation on Recovery of Significant Information from Archeological
RER will follow their Unanticipated Discovery Plan (see Appendix J) which will
outline the procedures needed to identify, record, and evaluate any buried cultural
resources detected during construction as well as procedures to be followed in the
event of the discovery of human remains.
RER will inform all persons who are associated with the project that they will be
subject to prosecution for knowingly disturbing historic or archeological sites or for
collecting artifacts. If historic or archaeological materials are uncovered during
construction, work will stop immediately in the area and RER will implement the
Unanticipated Discovery Plan.
RER will notify the Forest Service by telephone, with written confirmation,
immediately upon the discovery of any cultural resource. Construction in the vicinity
of the discovery will stop and the discovery will be protected until further directed by
the Forest Service.
5.8.1 Hazardous Material and Toxic Substances
Table 5.8-1 includes a description of the hazardous substances and estimated quantities that
may be used and stored in the Mine Area.
Table 5.8-1
Hazardous Substances and Estimated Quantities
that May Be Used and Stored at the Mine Site
Approximate Storage
Fuels, Oils, Greases, Hydraulic Fluids, Antifreeze, and
Other Lubricants
2-40,000 gallon diesel fuel storage tanks; 1-1000 gallon
gasoline tank, Bulk oil/lubricant storage 2,000
Vehicle liquids (hydraulic oils, brake fluid, antifreeze)
<1000 gallons of each
Air Conditioning gases
<25 gallons
Solvents in shop
<1000 gallons
Welding and cutting supplies
<20 gas cylinders
Paints and thinners
<100 gallons of each (paint or thinner)
Electronics equipment
Conveyor belt repair supplies (glues and solvents)
<100 gallons of each (glues or solvents)
Lab wastes
TBD – to be determined.
5.8.2 Security
The PUG Plant area will be fenced with a standard 6 foot chain link fence with a “V” top, 6-
strand barbed wire configuration at the top of the fence for additional security. It will be
controlled by a manned 24-hour guard house located at the main mine entrance (see Map 4.2-2
– map pocket).
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