Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 63

reused if possible. Solid and liquid wastes from spills will be tested for hazardous
characteristics, and if determined to be non-hazardous, disposed in an off-site Type I or II
sanitary landfill. If determined to be hazardous, they will be placed in proper containers and
handled in accordance with State (WDEQ-Solid and Hazardous Waste Division Rules and
Regulations) and federal hazardous waste requirements.
5.4.3 Waste from Use of Purchased Materials
All waste streams generated from the use of purchased materials will be evaluated for proper
handling. The first precaution taken to avoid generation of waste will be to utilize appropriate
purchasing controls to restrict purchases to non- or least-toxic products, and to limit volumes
purchased so that excess materials are not left-over. If possible, the waste materials will be re-
used on site. If not re-usable, the waste (including oil and grease) will be recycled, if feasible.
Finally, if disposal is the only remaining option, an appropriate off-site disposal strategy, created
in accordance with applicable state and federal requirements will be followed. Solid waste will
be taken to the Crook County/Sundance transfer facility for disposal.
Recycling will be a priority and options will be evaluated for the following waste materials: used
oil and lubricants, anti-freeze, hydraulic oils, brake fluids, spent solvents and paints, tires, and
batteries from the truck shop, mine equipment and plant equipment; gas cylinders from the
welding shop; electronic equipment and components; office paper; lunch and break room
wastes (beverage containers, newspapers, food containers, etc.); packaging wastes (pallets,
cardboard and bubble-wrap); and scrap metal (machine shop millings, empty barrels, excess
wiring, unusable parts and equipment).
There will be no solid waste landfill on site. If disposal is needed, wastes will be trucked to an
acceptable off-site waste facility, either to a Type I or II sanitary landfill or a hazardous waste
disposal facility. Materials that meet the definition of a hazardous waste -- waste that could
produce pollutants or contaminants that may degrade the waters of the State -- will not be
shipped to the Type I or II sanitary landfill. Hazardous waste will be trucked off-site to a
hazardous waste facility.
Examples of waste that are expected to be generated at the mine include:
Acceptable for the Type I or II sanitary landfill: scrap metals; untreated wood wastes;
spent welding rods; solidified paint wastes; paper products; empty bags; properly
emptied containers; office and lunch room wastes; oil filters that have been pierced,
dismantled, or punctured and hot drained for twelve hours, or the excess oil removed
by crushing or another equivalent method that substantially eliminates most of the oil
from the filter; whole tires; and uncontaminated piping.
Shipped to hazardous waste disposal facility: hazardous wastes; liquid wastes (as
defined by the paint filter test); household hazardous waste; un-drained used oil filters;
hydrocarbon contaminated soils exceeding 100 parts per million (ppm) total petroleum
hydrocarbon; highly putrescible wastes including dead animals; medical/infectious
waste; asbestos; vehicle batteries; and exempt small quantity generator waste that is
not regulated as hazardous waste due to its small quantity (e.g., spent cleaning
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