Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 69

Miller Creek Access Road to the Project Area passes through elk winter/yearlong range with
Forest Service management emphasis as big game winter range. White-tailed deer crucial
winter/yearlong range extends along the extreme eastern edge of the Project Area. Areas
designated as crucial are considered by the WGFD as essential for the population to maintain
itself over the long term.
Specific ground and aerial surveys were conducted during winter 2011/2012 targeting big game
species distribution and classification (determining sex and age). Data collected during these
surveys include the species, number of animals, sex, age, herd location to quarter-quarter
section, and habitat type. All big game observations in the survey area and a 2.0 mile perimeter
was documented during each site visit throughout the baseline study period. A general account
of big game occurrences throughout the 2.0 mile perimeter survey area during the baseline
period, and all important seasonal range designations within the survey area, will be detailed in
the Wildlife Baseline Report. The report will also reference big game population trends, sex/age
composition counts, harvest data for the area using WGFD Annual Big Game Herd Unit Reports
and Annual Reports of Big Game and Trophy Game Harvest. Upland Game Birds
Historic records from previous monitoring efforts indicate three upland game bird species
including sharp-tailed grouse (
Tympanuchus phasianellus)
, ruffed grouse (
Bonasa umbellus)
and wild turkey (
Meleagris gallopavo
) are known to occur within the wildlife baseline survey
area. One known sharp-tailed grouse lek (i.e., display and breeding site) has been documented
in the Project Area and vicinity. During winter survey efforts, incidental observations of both
sharp-tailed grouse and wild turkeys were confirmed within the Project Area.
Surveys were conducted at all known sharp-tailed grouse leks and suitable upland game bird
habitats in the survey area during spring 2012. No sharp-tailed grouse were observed at the
known lek location near the southwest border of the Project Area; however, multiple drumming
locations for displaying ruffed grouse were recorded in young aspen stands just north of the
Project Area. Wild turkeys, including groups of toms and brooding hens, have been recorded in
numerous locations throughout the survey area, but primarily along drainages and in pine
habitats. All new leks/display sites, nests, or observations of upland game birds continued to be
recorded throughout the duration of the baseline study. New leks or display locations will be
plotted on a topographic map submitted with the Wildlife Baseline Report. Summarized
attendance data at each lek will be included in the report along with information for upland game
bird harvests from the WGFD Small and Upland Game Annual Harvest Reports. Other Mammals
Large Mammals. A variety of other large mammals occur in the wildlife survey area. Historic and
recent documented species include the black bear (
Ursus americanus
), mountain lion (
), coyote (
Canis latrans
), and beaver (
Castor canadensis
). The occurrence of beavers
and their dens within the survey area was monitored throughout spring and summer 2012 and
will continue to be specifically monitored for the remaining duration of the baseline study. All
historic and incidental observations of mammalian predators or large furbearing species and/or
their sign will be provided in a species list appended to the Wildlife Baseline Report. The
species list will include notations for any species of concern detected in the survey area.
Lagomorphs. Little information is available on the lagomorph species (rabbits and hares) that
may occur within the survey area. However, specific nocturnal spotlight surveys for lagomorphs
will be completed within the study area. Lagomorph survey data will improve the existing
knowledge of lagomorph species occurrence and serve as an index of prey population within
the area. Lagomorph species counts and habitat types will be recorded and all information
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