sampling and analytical variance/precision –
an estimate of the total error induced by sampling, sample
preparation and analysis.
– complex system of structurally controlled or randomly oriented veins that can be standalone
ore bodies or occur on the periphery of larger veins. They are also referred to as “stringer zones.”
– the direction or trend that a structural surface (e.g., a bedding or fault plane) takes as it intersects
the horizontal.
– to remove overburden in order to expose ore.
sulfide –
a mineral combining sulfur and base metals, such as iron and less commonly copper, lead, zinc
and/or molybdenum; metallic sulfur-bearing mineral associated with primary REE mineralization.
– finely ground waste material produced from beneficiating ore to recover metals or minerals.
total rare earth oxide (“TREO”) –
refers to the sum total of REO present in a deposit.
– a sheet-like body of mineralized rock. On many properties, veins may consist largely of quartz
gangue. However, on the Bear Lodge Property, veins can contain a variable assemblage that includes, but is not
limited to, gangue minerals like iron and manganese oxides, quartz, calcite, clay, apatite and/or potassium feldspar
with or without ore minerals.