Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 - Rev. 0
Undersized material from the 32 mesh screen (120-SCR-003) is sent to the 48 mesh
screen (120-SCR-004). Oversized material is sent to the 48 mesh grinding mill (145-
MCR-001) and is subsequently recycled back to the 48 mesh screen (120-SCR-004).
Undersized material from screen (120-SCR-004) is sent to the thickener (170-THK-
Undersized material from the 150 mesh screen (130-SCR-006) and 48 mesh screen
(120-SCR-004) are thickened (170-THK-001). Thickener overflow is filtered with an
inline filter (170-IFL-001) and used as process water while thickener underflow is sent
to the press filter (170-FPR-001). Liquids from the filter are recycled back into the
thickener (170-THK-001) while solids are stored in a bin (175-BIN-003) prior to
transport to the Hydromet plant via truck.
Ore Comp 3
Oversized material from the 32 mesh screen (120-SCR-003) is sent to the 32 mesh
roll crusher (130-RCR-002) followed by a secondary 32 mesh screen (130-SCR-005).
Oversized material from this screen is recycled back to the roll crusher (130-RCR-
002) while undersized material is sent to the 150 mesh screen (130-SCR-006).
Undersized material from the 32 mesh screen (120-SCR-003) is also sent to the 150
mesh screen (120-SCR-006) in this scenario.
Oversized material from the 150 mesh screen (130-SCR-006) is sent to magnetic
separator (150-MGS-001) while undersized material is sent to the thickener (170-
Nonmagnetic material from the magnetic separator (150-MGS-001) is sent to the 48
mesh screen (120-SCR-004) while magnetic material is sent to the spiral gravity
separator (150-SCL-002). Heavy material from the gravity separator is sent to the 48
mesh screen (120-SCR-004) while light material is sent to the pre-tailings belt filter
(160-BLF-001) for dewatering.
The spiral gravity separator heavies are sent to the 48 mesh screen (120-SCR-004).
Oversized material is sent to a 48 mesh grinding mill (145-MCR-001) and is
subsequently recycled back to the 48 mesh screen (120-SCR-004). Undersized
material from screen (120-SCR-004) is sent to the thickener (170-THK-001).
Undersized material from the 150 mesh screen (130-SCR-006) and 48 mesh screen
(120-SCR-004) are thickened in thickener (170-THK-001). Thickener overflow is