NI43-101Pre-Feasibility Study Report - page 341

Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 - Rev. 0
001). (For Phase I, this is the only part of the PUG plant that will be constructed and
the minus 3” size material will be trucked to the Hydromet plant. The wet crushing
and sizing equipment will be temporarily located at the Hydromet plant until year 9.
Oversized material is sent to a low grade stockpile for potential future processing
while undersized material is sent to a 3/4” cone crusher (110-CCR-001). Material is
then passed through a 6 mesh roll crusher (110-RCR-001) and sent to a 6 mesh wet
screen (110-VIS-002). Oversized material is recycled back to the 6 mesh roll crusher
(110-RCR-001) while undersized slurry is sent to a 32 mesh screen (120-SCR-003).
From this point forward, the PUG is dependent on which ore composition (Comp) is
processed. The following sections discuss the process flows for the different comps
in chronological order: Comp 4 followed by mixed Comps 1 and 2 and ending with
Comp 3.
Ore Comp 4
Oversized material from the 32 mesh screen (120-SCR-003) is sent to the 32 mesh
roll crusher (130-RCR-002). This material is recycled back to the 32 mesh screen
(120-SCR-003). Undersized material from the screen (120-SCR-003) is sent to the
48 mesh screen (120-SCR-004). Oversized material from this screen is sent to the
pre-tailings belt filter (160-BLF-001) for dewatering while undersized material is sent
to thickener (170-THK-001). Thickener overflow is filtered with an inline filter (170-
IFL-001) and used as process water while thickener underflow is sent to the press
filter (170-FPR-001). Liquids from the filter are recycled back into the thickener (170-
THK-001) while solids are stored in bin (175-BIN-003) prior to transport to the
Hydromet plant via truck.
Ore Comp 1 & 2
Oversized material from the 32 mesh screen (120-SCR-003) is sent to the 32 mesh
roll crusher (130-RCR-002) followed by a secondary 32 mesh screen (130-SCR-005).
Oversized material from this screen is recycled back to the roll crusher (130-RCR-
002) while undersized material is sent to the 150 mesh screen (130-SCR-006).
Oversized material from this screen is sent to the spiral gravity classifier (140-SCL-
001) while undersized material is sent to the thickener (170-THK-001).
Oversized material from the 150 mesh screen (130-SCR-006) is separated in the
spiral gravity classifier (140-SCL-001). Light material is sent to the pre-tailings belt
filter (160-BLF-001) for dewatering while heavy material is sent to the 48 mesh
grinding mill (145-MCR-001).
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