Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 - Rev. 0
Original collar location and down-hole survey data are available for only a few of the
historical drill holes. However, these drill hole collar locations were re-surveyed using
a hand-held GPS, and collar elevations were obtained by registering the drill holes on
the USGS digital elevation model (DEM) for the appropriate quadrangle maps. Drill
data prior to 2008 were not used for the updated resource estimates because the
azimuths and inclinations are considered insufficiently accurate for use in detailed
resource estimates. Collar coordinates for the 2008 through 2013 drill holes used in
the current resource estimate were surveyed by Rare Element. All of the drill hole
collars were originally in the database in UTM coordinates based on NAD27, but
these have been converted to coordinates based on the NAD83 datum. All collar
survey reporting is now entered in NAD 83 Zone 13N format in units of U.S. Feet.
Rare Element conducted its own REE drilling programs throughout the joint venture
with Newmont from 2006 until the spring of 2010. The Company maintained a
separate database of REE drilling results during this period. The Company’s focus on
exploration for REEs continued, while gold was the focus of Newmont’s exploration
efforts. Separation of the two exploration drilling programs for REEs and gold, and
their respective drilling data, continued through the 2009 drill season. Rare Element
assumed control of the gold exploration program and management of the gold drill
database in the spring of 2010, with the termination of Newmont’s interest in the
property in May 2010. Beginning with the 2012 drilling program, the entire
exploration and development focus turned to REE, and the Sundance gold
exploration effort was concluded.
From 2008 through 2010, the Company compiled analytical data in Excel, Access,
and Datamine for use in GIS and 3D mapping software. A much more aggressive
REE exploration drill program was carried out during the 2010 drill season, and a
need was recognized for a unified, secure database. Following assessment of several
web-based databases during the fall of 2010 and winter of 2011, EDM Solutions was
selected to implement the drill data management system. The current drill database is
built on an MS SQL SERVER platform and hosted on a secure “Cloud” server with
restricted access. Security and backup features are built into the system and are
considered industry standard. Support and maintenance are provided by EDM
Solutions of Reno, Nevada.
Dr. Jeffrey Jaacks of Geochemical Applications International Inc. (GAII) conducted a
review of the results for the quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) program
used in rare earth element assaying for the Bear Lodge exploration drill programs.