NI43-101Pre-Feasibility Study Report - page 180

Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 – Rev. 0
11.6.13 2009-2013 QA/QC Conclusions
The blanks used in the 2009-2013 drill programs contained low concentrations of the
light rare earth elements. Another blank should be used for drill programs.
The quality control standards display acceptable accuracy for TREO and the light rare
earth elements (Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu) analyses of 2009-13 drill samples. The
TREO results show that less than 3% of the standards analyses exceed the mean ± 2
standard deviation control limits, and less than 0.1% of the standard analyses exceed
the mean ± 3 standard deviation failure limits.
Crush duplicates indicate acceptable precision or reproducibility for sample
preparation at Minerals Exploration Geochemistry. Ninety-five percent of the crush
duplicate analyses are within ± 20% of the original analyses. The crush duplicates
display acceptable preparation precision for resource estimation.
Pulp duplicates indicate acceptable precision or reproducibility for analyses at ALS
and Actlabs. Ninety-seven percent of the pulp duplicate analyses are within ± 10% of
the original analyses. The pulp duplicates display acceptable analytical precision for
resource estimation.
The 2010-2013 check analyses programs validate earlier analyses by the primary
laboratory. Precision and bias are within acceptable limits. More than 89% of check
analyses are within ± 10% of the original analyses.
The analytical accuracy of the analyses for the heavier rare earth elements (Tb, Ho,
Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu) is more variable because of the difficulty that the laboratories
have in producing consistently reliable analyses for samples with low concentrations
of heavy rare earth elements. Year to year changes in instrumental calibrations affect
the accuracy of these analyses. However, this should not have a significant impact
upon resource calculations, as the total heavy rare earth element oxide percentage of
the combined heavy (Tb through Lu) oxides amounts to less than 1% of the total rare
earth oxide content of the samples.
Actlabs and ALS use similar digestion methods and analytical finishes to analyze for
rare earth elements. Data from the round robins and the historical quality control data
indicate that the analyses from both of these laboratories have acceptable accuracy
and precision, and are directly comparable (within 2.6% of one another) for the rare
earth elements.
The 2009-2013 drill program analyses are of acceptable quality for resource
11.7 2009-2013 Security
Sample security was supervised by Dr. James Clark, consultant to Rare Element
during the 2004, 2005, and 2007 Rare Element drilling programs, by senior geologists
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