Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 - Rev. 0
12 Data Verification
12.1 Introduction
This section discusses verification of the Bear Lodge Project database accumulated
through 2013.
12.2 General
Rare Element obtained the geological, exploration, and drilling data package from
Phelps Dodge and Newmont, covering most of the work done on the property by a
variety of companies and claim owners through 1996. The exploration reports by
Duval, Molycorp, FMC, Hecla, and others, referenced in this and earlier technical
reports, exhibit relative consistency of reported rare earth values contained in
carbonatites and FMR-type veins. The authors assume that the data and assay
values are representative of the geology and mineralization in the REE-mineralized
carbonatite system. However, many of these drill holes have been replaced with
holes that were surveyed and assayed using up to date methods. Owing to the limited
amount of information available from the Duval, Molycorp, and Hecla programs, those
data were used only to assist in geological interpretation and to guide exploration.
Those data were not used for resource estimation.
Newmont organized nearly all of the historical exploration data into an electronic
database compatible with a GIS format and provided a copy to Rare Element in 2006.
Rare Element then added all of the REE assay results from drilling done by the
Company between 2004 and 2009 and created a drill hole database consisting of 356
drill holes and 18,067 lines of assay data. Rare Element geologists and contractors
verified these data using available original geologic logs and assay certificates for
each of the 356 historic drill holes and 18,067 lines of assay information. These data
were compared to corresponding intervals in the digital database to verify information
included in the database. Based on operating results and historical descriptions, there
is strong evidence that the sampling, sample preparation, assaying, and security of
samples were conducted in accordance with industry acceptable practices for the
time period in which the samples were collected and processed. However, these
historical data are not used in any current estimates of resources.
Re-analysis of the historic drill core, donated to the South Dakota School of Mines,
was not possible, as the remaining material was systematically culled over the years
by the School of Mines in order to facilitate storage. Only randomly-skeletonized core
from the Duval, Molycorp, and Hecla holes is available (held by Rare Element in
Sundance, WY).