Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 - Rev. 0
18 Project Infrastructure
18.1 Physical Upgrade Plant
The Physical Upgrade Plant will be built in two phases. The PUG will process High
high grade ore in the first nine years (Phase 1) of operation. In year 9, the PUG plant
is expanded (Phase 2) to upgrade the Hydromet feed as the mine head grade
The work performed in Phase 1 or Phase 2 is identified in each section below.
18.1.1 Access and Site Roads (Phase 1)
A preliminary study on the Bull Hill access roads has been completed by Stetson
Engineering. The study shows that the Miller Creek Road (Figure 18.1) is the
preferred access route to the Physical Upgrade Plant (PUG) and the mine site.
The main access to the PUG is designed with a gate and will be controlled by the
main guard post. This access leads to a parking area and to a network of access
roads that enables circulation around the facility.
All roads will be maintained by Rare Element personnel with chemical dust control.
Pre-concentrate haul trucks will be fitted with GPS to monitor vehicle speed and
18.1.2 Communications (Phase 1)
A reliable, state-of-the art communication system will be installed at the PUG site to
provide employees with voice and data communication channels.
A parallel wireless communication system based on hand-held mobile and fixed-base
radios will also be available for the operation and maintenance personnel.
18.1.3 Power Supply Facilities (Phase 1 and 2)
Phase 1:
A diesel generator will be used to power the pug plant through a 480VAC Motor
Control Center (MCC) (Figure 18.2).